男子因在格林湾新年夜家庭骚乱中刺伤一名妇女而被捕。 Man arrested for stabbing a woman during a New Year's Eve domestic disturbance in Green Bay.
一名38岁的Green Bay男子在新年前夕发生了一起刺杀事件,涉及一名57岁的妇女后被捕,被关押在布朗县监狱。 A 38-year-old Green Bay man was arrested and is being held in Brown County Jail after a stabbing incident on New Year's Eve involving a 57-year-old woman. 警察对国内骚乱作出反应,向受害人提供急救,后来在国家巡逻队的交通站时抓住了逃离现场的嫌疑人。 Police responded to a domestic disturbance, provided first aid to the victim, and later caught the suspect fleeing the scene during a traffic stop by the State Patrol. 该案正在等待地区检察官办公室的指控,调查仍在继续。 The case is awaiting charges from the District Attorney's Office, and the investigation continues.