海得拉巴公寓第9层发生火灾,因气瓶爆炸而起火;没有人员伤亡。 Fire breaks out on 9th floor of Hyderabad apartment, sparked by gas cylinder explosion; no fatalities.
12月31日, 海得拉巴银河公寓九楼起火, 开始发生气瓶爆炸。 A fire broke out on the 9th floor of the Galaxy Apartments in Hyderabad on December 31st, starting with a gas cylinder explosion. 火焰迅速扩散,但消防员从阳台上救出一个女人。 Flames spread quickly, but firefighters rescued a woman from the balcony. 虽然最初认为是短路造成的,但确切原因仍在调查之中。 Though initially believed to be caused by a short circuit, the exact cause is still under investigation. 没有伤亡报告,火灾被控制在受影响的公寓。 No fatalities or injuries were reported, and the fire was contained to the affected flat.