Duluth打算雇用St. 云城行政官马特·斯泰林 被赞美了超过29年的服务 Duluth set to hire St. Cloud's City Administrator Matt Staehling, praised for over 29 years of service.
Duluth打算雇用St Duluth is set to hire St. 云城管理官马特・斯泰林 以他29年的服务闻名 Cloud's City Administrator Matt Staehling, known for his over 29 years of service. Staehling的任命,等待St. St. S. Staehling's appointment, pending St. 克劳德的批准凸显了他的经验和对公共服务的奉献精神。 Cloud's approval, highlights his experience and dedication to public service. 甄选过程包括更新职务说明,在全州张贴职位,以及设立一个搜索委员会。 The selection process involved refreshed job descriptions, statewide job postings, and a search committee. Staehling的举动是在经过广泛评估 并辞去St的辞呈之后 Staehling's move comes after an extensive evaluation and his resignation from St. 云。 Cloud. Duluth的市长认为这是加强城市行政能力的一项战略举措。 Duluth's mayor views this as a strategic move to enhance the city's administrative capabilities.