圣保罗公立学校校长 Joe Gothard 被美国学校管理者协会评为年度全国校长。 St. Paul Public Schools Superintendent Joe Gothard named National Superintendent of the Year by the American Association of School Administrators.
圣保罗公立学校校长 Joe Gothard 被美国学校管理者协会评为年度全国校长。 St. Paul Public Schools Superintendent Joe Gothard has been named the National Superintendent of the Year by the American Association of School Administrators. 这一享有声望的奖项旨在表彰对学生生活产生积极影响并优先考虑学生安全和福祉的学校系统领导者。 This prestigious award recognizes school system leaders who positively impact students' lives and prioritize their safety and well-being. 戈特哈德自 2017 年以来一直领导明尼苏达州第二大学区,是该荣誉的四名决赛入围者之一。 Gothard, who has led Minnesota's second-largest school district since 2017, was one of four finalists for the honor. 他还有资格获得 10,000 美元的大学奖学金,该奖学金颁发给他毕业的高中或同一地区学校的学生。 He is also eligible for a $10,000 college scholarship to be awarded to a student from the high school he graduated from or the school serving the same area.