加拿大部长敦促TikTok个人在政府争夺国家安全的战斗中作出决定。 Canada's minister urges individual TikTok decisions amid government's battle over national security.
加拿大工业部长François-Philippe香槟敦促家庭个别决定如何使用TikTok, Canada's Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne urges families to decide individually about using TikTok, despite the government's legal battle to close the app's Canadian offices due to national security concerns. 香槟强调做出知情选择的重要性。 Champagne emphasizes the importance of making informed choices. 此外,加拿大敦促全球承诺在地缘政治紧张加剧的情况下实现可持续性目标。 Separately, Canada is urging global commitment to sustainability goals amid rising geopolitical tensions.