由于安全考虑,加拿大政府命令TikTok关闭当地业务。 Canadian government orders TikTok to shut down local operations due to security concerns.
加拿大政府已下令TikTok因国家安全问题关闭其加拿大业务, 让数百名员工对未来感到不确定. The Canadian government has ordered TikTok to shut down its Canadian operations over national security concerns, leaving hundreds of employees uncertain about their future. TikTok在法庭上抗争, 与政府讨论可能的解决方案。 TikTok is fighting the order in court and discussing potential solutions with the government. 尽管关闭了,加拿大用户仍可使用该应用程序,但缺乏地方办事处可能会使政府的监督和监管复杂化。 Despite the shutdown, the app will remain available for Canadian users, but the lack of local offices could complicate government oversight and regulation.