加州州长Newsom命令州级机构减少低收入加利福尼亚人的超处理食品消费。 California Governor Newsom orders state agencies to reduce low-income Californians' consumption of ultra-processed foods.
加利福尼亚州州长Gavin Newsom发布一项行政命令,解决与超处理食品有关的健康问题。 California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order to address health concerns linked to ultra-processed foods. 该命令指示国家机构提出政策建议,减少这些食品的消费,特别是在CalFresh方案中低收入个人中。 The order directs state agencies to recommend policies that reduce consumption of these foods, particularly among low-income individuals in the CalFresh program. 它还旨在改进学校营养标准。 It also aims to improve school nutrition standards. 对高加工食品对健康的影响越来越关切, 并遵循最近州法限制学校使用合成食品染料, Newsom's move comes amid growing concerns about the health impacts of highly processed foods and follows recent state laws restricting synthetic food dyes in schools.