失踪的科罗拉多登山者乔尔·托瓦尔的尸体 在四天的搜索后被发现 在马斯底瀑布附近 Body of missing Colorado hiker Joel Tovar found after four-day search near Horsethief Falls.
失踪的科罗拉多登山者Joel Tovar的尸体是在1月2日被发现的, The body of missing Colorado hiker Joel Tovar was found on January 2, after a four-day search on the western slope of Pikes Peak near Horsethief Falls. Teller县和El Paso县的搜索队开始搜索时,在12月29日,Tovar的车辆在Thousethief Falls Trail停车场被发现。 The search by Teller County and El Paso County teams began when Tovar's vehicle was found in the Horsethief Falls Trail parking lot on December 29. Teller县治安官办公室感谢所有参与救援工作的人,并注意到此案已移交给验尸官。 The Teller County Sheriff's Office thanked all involved in the rescue efforts and noted the case has been handed over to the coroner.