埃尔帕索县议员在寻找血迹后寻找失踪男子;嫌疑人与一名死者和一辆失踪卡车有关。 El Paso County deputies search for missing men after finding blood; suspect linked to a dead man and a missing truck.
埃尔帕索县议员在一个家中发现大量血迹,导致搜寻失踪男子约翰·兰金·莫里斯和斯蒂芬·沃克。 El Paso County deputies found large amounts of blood in a home, leading to the search for missing men John Rankin Morris and Stephen Walker. 在Park县发现了一辆与案件有关的汽车,在那里发现了一名死者。 A car connected to the case was found in Park County, where a deceased man was discovered. 当局现在也正在寻找1994年福特F-150小卡车,认为Morris和Hailey Cole武装危险。 Authorities are now also seeking a 1994 Ford F-150 pickup truck and consider Morris and Hailey Cole armed and dangerous. 在科罗拉多调查局的协助下,调查正在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing with help from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.