Bangor警察寻求公众帮助寻找失踪的人Alexander LeBlanc, 12月最后一次听到消息。 Bangor police seek public's help to locate missing man Alexander LeBlanc, last heard from in December.
Bangor警察局正在寻求帮助,寻找26岁的Alexander LeBlanc失踪的下落,最后一次消息是在12月初。 The Bangor Police Department is seeking help to locate missing 26-year-old Alexander LeBlanc, last heard from in early December. LeBlanc几个月前离职, 被描述为身着棕色头发和眼睛的5'7"白人男性, 可能住在班戈的帐篷里。 LeBlanc, who left his jobs months ago, is described as a 5'7" white male with brown hair and eyes, and may be living in a tent in Bangor. 警方要求任何有信息的人在207-947-7384号电话联系他们,在207-947-3852号电话提交匿名提示,或电邮。 The police ask anyone with information to contact them at 207-947-7384, submit anonymous tips at 207-947-3852, or email