Bangor警察寻求公众的帮助 寻找失踪的人John Perkins Jr. , 最后一次见到是12月9日。 Bangor police seek public's help to locate missing man John Perkins Jr., last seen December 9.
Bangor警察局正在寻求帮助找到37岁的John Perkins Jr., 12月9日以来失踪。 The Bangor Police Department is seeking help to locate 37-year-old John Perkins Jr., missing since December 9. Perkins没有提供详细联系方式就离开了家。 Perkins left his home without providing contact details. 他身高5尺11寸 体重约160磅 蓝眼睛和棕色头发 He is 5'11", weighs about 160 pounds, with blue eyes and brown hair. 任何人如有情报,可致电Bangor警察局207-947-7384,或留下匿名提示207-947-7382,分机207-947-7382。 Anyone with information can contact the Bangor Police at 207-947-7384 or leave anonymous tips at 207-947-7382, ext. 3. 3个 3.