Apple 同意就 Siri 未经同意记录用户对话达成 $95M 和解。 Apple agrees to $95M settlement over Siri recording user conversations without consent.
Apple 已同意支付 9500 万美元以解决一起指控 Siri 在未经同意的情况下录制用户私人对话的诉讼。 Apple has agreed to pay $95 million to settle a lawsuit accusing Siri of recording users' private conversations without consent. 这起长达五年的诉讼称 Siri 无意中激活了录音并与第三方共享。 The lawsuit, spanning five years, claims Siri inadvertently activated and shared recordings with third parties. 如果获得批准,在 2014 年 9 月至 2024 年 12 月期间拥有支持 Siri 的设备且符合条件的用户每台设备最多可获得 20 美元,最多可获得 5 台设备。 If approved, eligible users who owned Siri-enabled devices between September 2014 and December 2024 could receive up to $20 per device, up to five devices. 苹果否认存在不当行为,和解需要法院批准。 Apple denies wrongdoing and the settlement requires court approval.