苹果与 OpenAI 合作,将 ChatGPT 集成到其设备(包括 Siri)中,以提高效率和用户体验。 Apple partners with OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT into its devices, including Siri, for improved efficiency and user experience.
作为其进军生成式人工智能的一部分,苹果宣布与 OpenAI 合作,将 ChatGPT 集成到其设备(包括 Siri)中。 Apple announces OpenAI partnership to integrate ChatGPT into its devices, including Siri, as part of its push into generative AI. 此举旨在提高效率和用户体验,让用户只需一次请求即可执行多项任务。 This move aims to improve efficiency and user experience, allowing users to perform multiple tasks with one request. 苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克强调隐私和安全的重要性,强调公司对用户数据保护的承诺。 Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, emphasizes the importance of privacy and security, highlighting the company's commitment to user data protection.