一名6岁女孩在马来西亚家中被困在折叠桌的双腿之间后死亡。 A 6-year-old girl died after getting trapped between a folding table's legs at her home in Malaysia.
1月1日, 一名6岁女孩在Penang的Taman Seri Putera家中独自玩耍, 被困在折叠桌的两腿之间, A 6-year-old girl died after being trapped between the legs of a folding table while playing alone at her home in Taman Seri Putera, Penang, on January 1st. 她于下午4时15分被她的兄弟发现,母亲赶去医院,但无法救她。 She was found by her brother at 4:15 pm and rushed to the hospital by her mother, but could not be saved. 警方正在根据《2001年儿童法》调查这一事件。 The police are investigating the incident under the Child Act 2001.