一名两个月大的女童在昆士兰死亡;对她突然死亡的调查正在进行中。 A two-month-old girl died in Queensland; investigation into her sudden death is ongoing.
在昆士兰州Gracemere发现一名两个月大的女童在家里昏迷不醒后死亡。 A two-month-old girl died in Gracemere, Queensland, after being found unconscious at home. 紧急服务于1月20日回应, 她被空运到布里斯班, 1月22日去世。 Emergency services responded on January 20, and she was airlifted to Brisbane, where she passed away on January 22. Rockhampton儿童保护调查股和儿童创伤股正在将此案作为突然死亡案件进行调查。 The Rockhampton Child Protection Investigation Unit and Child Trauma Unit are investigating the case as a sudden death. 当局正在要求公众提供任何相关信息。 Authorities are asking for any relevant information from the public.