Windsor警方寻求公众帮助, 以识别逃离的圣诞窗口观光嫌疑人。 Windsor police seek public help to identify Christmas Day window-peering suspect who fled.
温莎警方正在寻求帮助,以确认一名男性嫌疑人的身份,该嫌疑人在圣诞节当天下午 3 点 30 分左右窥视着家里的窗户。 Windsor police are seeking help to identify a male suspect seen peering into a home window on Christmas Day around 3:30 pm. 嫌犯被描述为一名20岁或30岁的白人男子,身高6英尺高,头部剃光和棕胡子,当与房主父亲对质时逃跑。 The suspect, described as a white male in his 20s or 30s, six feet tall with a shaved head and brown mustache, fled when confronted by the homeowner's father. 他穿着黑色T恤、蓝色紧身牛仔裤和白色鞋底黑色跑鞋。 He was wearing a black t-shirt, blue skinny jeans, and black running shoes with white soles. 警察要求向重罪股或犯罪制止者报告有关情况。 The police are asking for information to be reported to the Major Crimes Unit or Crime Stoppers.