Sherri Ann Rules,57岁,据称因在Shreveport住宅故意放火而被捕。 Sherri Ann Rule, 57, arrested for allegedly setting intentional fire in Shreveport house.
一名57岁的妇女Sherri Ann Rules在Shreveport被捕,因为据称她在高地居民区纵火焚烧房屋。 A 57-year-old woman, Sherri Ann Rule, was arrested in Shreveport for allegedly setting a house fire in the Highland neighborhood. 如果被定罪,她将面临简单的纵火指控,可能被判处5至15年监禁,并根据损害程度处以罚款。 She faces charges of simple arson if convicted, with potential sentences ranging from 5 to 15 years in prison and fines based on the extent of the damage. 经证实,当地调查人员故意放火。 The fire was confirmed to be intentionally set by local investigators.