科学家开发更敏感、更灵活的触摸传感器,可以推进机器人和穿戴器。 Scientists develop more sensitive, flexible touch sensors that could advance robotics and wearables.
韩国中央大学的研究人员开发了压电和摩擦电触觉传感器的新制造技术,提高了它们的灵敏度、灵活性和自供电能力。 Researchers from Chung-Ang University in South Korea have developed new manufacturing techniques for piezoelectric and triboelectric tactile sensors, enhancing their sensitivity, flexibility, and self-powering. 研究由Hanjun Ylo教授牵头, 克服了对机器人、穿戴技术和医疗进步至关重要的物质易碎性和环境敏感性问题。 Led by Professor Hanjun Ryu, the study overcomes material brittleness and environmental sensitivity issues, crucial for advancements in robotics, wearable tech, and healthcare. 研究还突显了在先进数据处理方面与AI进行整合的潜力。 The research also highlights potential integration with AI for advanced data processing.