Robert Wilkie敦促幼稚园在可疑的恐怖袭击后 教民族自豪感。 Robert Wilkie urges teaching national pride from kindergarten after a suspected terrorist attack.
前副国防部长罗伯特·威尔基(Robert Wilkie)呼吁从幼儿园开始, 在军队和教育系统中将美国视为“最后、最佳希望”的理念。 Former Under Secretary of Defense Robert Wilkie has called for teaching the idea of America as "the last, best hope" across military and educational systems, starting from kindergarten. 这是继新年新奥尔良发生的一起涉嫌恐怖袭击事件之后发生的,当时一名联邦调查局官员说嫌疑人可能有共犯。 This follows a suspected terrorist attack in New Orleans on New Year's Day, where an FBI official stated the suspect likely had accomplices. Wilkie强调从早期教育中培养民族自豪感和团结感的必要性。 Wilkie emphasizes the need to instill national pride and unity from early education.