在新年节,一个磁性渔夫发现的潜在爆炸装置导致在罗克鱼溪桥附近发生安全爆炸。 On New Year's Day, a potential explosive device found by a magnet fisherman led to the safe detonation near Rockfish Creek Bridge.
1月1日, 2025年1月1日, 一位磁性渔夫在北卡罗来纳州华莱士的罗克鱼溪桥 发现了一个潜在的爆炸装置。 On January 1, 2025, a magnet fisherman found a potential explosive device on Rockfish Creek Bridge in Wallace, North Carolina. 由于目视检查和X光检查没有得出结论,国家调查局的炸弹小组被调来。 The State Bureau of Investigation's Bomb Squad was called due to inconclusive results from visual and X-ray inspections. 机场道路被关闭,空中交通被短暂暂停。 Airport Road was closed, and air traffic was briefly suspended. 该装置既旧又生锈,安全引爆,没有发生任何事件,没有构成任何公众威胁。 The device, old and rusted, was safely detonated without incident, posing no public threat.