新的月球研究揭示了 20亿年前 月球有持久的磁场 挑战了过去的理论 New lunar research reveals the moon had a lasting magnetic field 2 billion years ago, challenging past theories.
中国长江五号飞行任务样本的新研究显示 月球磁场薄弱 大约20亿年前 New research on samples from China's Chang'e-5 mission shows the moon had a weak magnetic field around 2 billion years ago. 这说明月亮的底部持续的时间比以前想象的要长, 揭示了月亮的内部结构、热历史和地表条件, 包括水的存在潜力。 This suggests the moon's dynamo lasted longer than previously thought, offering insights into its internal structure, thermal history, and surface conditions, including potential for water presence. 磁场大约为2至4微粒,表明有防护罩,有助于研究月球空间气象学。 The magnetic field, about 2 to 4 microteslas, indicates a protective shield that could help in studying lunar space weathering.