2024年,爱尔兰新汽车注册人数略有下降,电动车辆明显下降。 New car registrations in Ireland fell slightly in 2024, with electric vehicles experiencing a notable decline.
2024年,爱尔兰新注册的汽车下降了1%,降至121,195辆,电动车辆(EVs)下降了24%,降至17,459辆。 In 2024, new car registrations in Ireland fell by 1% to 121,195, with electric vehicles (EVs) seeing a 24% drop to 17,459. 汽油仍然是最高的燃料类型,而商用车辆则有所增长,轻型和重型商用车辆登记率分别上升了7%和8%。 Petrol remains the top fuel type, while commercial vehicles saw growth, with light and heavy commercial vehicle registrations up 7% and 8%, respectively. 尽管EV出现衰退,但2025年有乐观的迹象,因为11月的销售量减少,行业预期EV销售量会增加。 Despite the EV slump, there are optimistic signs for 2025, as sales ticked up in November, and industry expects an increase in EV sales.