在阿克拉的Kantamanto市场发生大规模火灾,数百人流离失所,多家商店被摧毁。 Massive fire at Kantamanto market in Accra displaces hundreds, destroys numerous shops.
2025年6月20日凌晨1点左右, 在加纳阿克拉的Kantamanto市场发生大火。 A massive fire broke out at Kantamanto market in Accra, Ghana, around 1:00 am on June 20, 2025. 加纳国家消防局从大阿克拉地区各地部署了13次消防招标,以扑灭摧毁许多商店的烈火。 The Ghana National Fire Service deployed 13 fire tenders from across the Greater Accra Region to battle the blaze, which destroyed numerous shops. 该地区的电力被切断,以协助消防努力。 Electricity in the area was cut to aid firefighting efforts. 尽管作出了反应,但火势迅速蔓延,造成大面积破坏,并使数百名贸易商流离失所。 Despite the response, the fire rapidly spread, leaving extensive damage and displacing hundreds of traders.