印地安那州交通部接受公路和桥梁赠款申请,直至1月31日,提供不同比例的匹配率。 Indiana DOT accepts applications for road and bridge grants until Jan. 31, offering varying match rates.
在1月31日之前,印地安那交通部正在接受社区交叉补助方案的申请。 The Indiana Department of Transportation is accepting applications for the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program until January 31. 该方案为印第安纳市、城镇和县的道路和桥梁项目提供资金。 This program offers funding for road and bridge projects in Indiana cities, towns, and counties. 匹配资金因人口规模而异,较小地区获得75/25匹配资金,较大地区获得50/50匹配资金。 Matching funds vary by population size, with smaller areas receiving a 75/25 match and larger areas a 50/50 match. 自2016年以来,通过该方案发放了18.3亿多美元。 Since 2016, over $1.83 billion has been awarded through this program.