“切断机会”:州、联邦计划旨在帮助被高速公路分割的社区。 ‘Cutting off access to opportunity’: State, federal programs look to help communities divided by highways.
拜登-哈里斯政府宣布拨款 33 亿美元,用于重新连接美国 132 个社区。 3.3bn in grants to reconnect 132 communities in the US have been announced by the Biden-Harris administration. 这些资金针对曾经被交通基础设施分割的社区,使他们能够更好地进入学校、工作、医疗机构和礼拜场所。 The funds are aimed at communities that were once divided by transportation infrastructure, giving them better access to schools, jobs, medical offices, and places of worship. 重新连接社区试点以及社区准入和公平计划由两党基础设施法和降低通货膨胀法资助。 The Reconnecting Communities Pilot and Neighborhood Access and Equity programs are funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act.