健康专家警告说,核电站附近癌症的风险会增加,尤其是儿童患白血病。 Health expert warns of increased cancer risks, particularly leukemia in children, near nuclear power plants.
健康专家玛格丽特·比维斯 (Margaret Beavis) 援引多项国际研究警告说,癌症风险会增加,尤其是核电站附近儿童患白血病的风险。 Health expert Margaret Beavis warns about increased cancer risks, especially leukemia in children near nuclear power plants, citing multiple international studies. 她批评联盟忽视了这些风险,并重点关注煤炭和天然气使用增加带来的额外健康威胁,这些威胁加剧了气候变化。 She criticizes the Coalition for dismissing these risks and focuses on the additional health threats from increased coal and gas use, which exacerbate climate change. Beavis 敦促社区在评估核电提案时考虑这些风险。 Beavis urges communities to consider these risks when evaluating nuclear power proposals.