前美国小姐和工程师Grace Stanke游览澳大利亚, 在政策辩论中倡导核能。 Former Miss America and engineer Grace Stanke tours Australia, advocating for nuclear power amid policy debates.
前美国小姐和核工程师格蕾丝·斯坦克巡视澳大利亚,推广核能,挑战该国30年的禁令。 Former Miss America and nuclear engineer Grace Stanke toured Australia to promote nuclear power, challenging the country’s 30-year ban. 这次旅行由澳大利亚核能组织(Nuclear for Australia)组织,正值政治转变之际,反对派承诺建造七座核电站,这与现任政府对可再生能源和天然气的关注形成鲜明对比。 Organized by Nuclear for Australia, the tour comes amid political shifts, with the opposition promising to build seven nuclear power stations, contrasting the current government's focus on renewables and gas. Stanke的主张引发了关于核电相对于可再生能源的成本、安全和功效的辩论。 Stanke’s advocacy has sparked debate over the cost, safety, and efficacy of nuclear power versus renewables.