据称,离异的丈夫在尼日利亚纵火烧毁前妻的家,造成严重烧伤。 Estranged husband allegedly sets fire to ex-wife's home in Nigeria, causing severe burns.
54 岁的意大利女商人蒂娜·乌伊 (Tina Uyi) 在尼日利亚埃多州的家中险些逃脱元旦大火,据称是她分居的丈夫奥萨罗·阿洪万 (Osaro Ahunwan) 纵火造成的。 Tina Uyi, a 54-year-old Italian-based businesswoman, narrowly escaped a New Year's Day fire at her home in Edo State, Nigeria, allegedly set by her estranged husband, Osaro Ahunwan. 火灾摧毁了Tina的住宅及其内含物,包括金钱和礼物,导致Tina遭受三度烧伤。 The fire, which destroyed her home and its contents, including money and gifts, resulted in Tina suffering third-degree burns. Osaro及其同谋Tina的兄弟Odaro Oviarobo被逮捕。 Osaro and his accomplice, Tina's brother Odaro Oviarobo, were arrested. 据报告,Osaro供认放火,并得到Odaro的帮助,Odaro向他提供了袭击所需的信息和材料。 Osaro reportedly confessed to setting the fire, receiving assistance from Odaro, who provided him with information and materials needed for the attack.