迪拜房地产市场创历史新高,2024年交易总额达1416亿美元。 Dubai's real estate market hits record high with transactions totaling $141.6 billion in 2024.
迪拜的房地产市场在2024年达到了创纪录的最高点,180 900笔交易总额达522亿AED522亿美元,比2023年增加了36%。 Dubai's real estate market reached a record high in 2024, with 180,900 transactions totaling AED522.1 billion, a 36% increase from 2023. 新项目启动和优惠付款计划推动了初级市场的强劲增长,而二级市场的销售额也增加了21%。 New project launches and favorable payment plans drove strong growth in the primary market, while the secondary market also saw a 21% rise in sales. 尽管全球经济存在不确定性,但市场吸引了全球投资者,显示了其复原力和吸引力。 Despite global economic uncertainties, the market attracted global investors, showcasing its resilience and appeal.