星座在美国政府的电力合同中 保证了10亿美元, 促进了清洁能源供应。 Constellation secures $1 billion in U.S. government power contracts, boosting clean energy supply.
美国主要的清洁能源供应商星座从美国总务管理局获得了10亿美元的合同,向13个政府机构供电。 Constellation, a major U.S. clean energy provider, has secured $1 billion in contracts from the U.S. General Services Administration to supply power to 13 government agencies. 这包括一项8亿4千万美元的10年合同,从2025年开始每年供应100多万兆瓦小时。 This includes an $840 million, 10-year contract to supply over 1 million megawatt-hours annually starting in 2025. 这些合同还涉及五个政府设施的能源效率措施。 The contracts also cover energy efficiency measures at five government facilities.