Acadia基础设施资本公司和微软公司在推动美国可再生能源方面领先9B美元,目标是中低收入者获得能源。 Acadia Infrastructure Capital and Microsoft lead a $9B push for US renewable energy, targeting low- and middle-income access.
美国投资者Acadia基础设施资本和微软正在带头发起一项90亿美元的倡议,称为气候和社区投资联盟(CCCIC),以便在全美国开发可再生能源项目。 US investor Acadia Infrastructure Capital and Microsoft are spearheading a $9 billion initiative called the Climate and Communities Investment Coalition (CCIC) to develop renewable energy projects across the US. 该联盟的目标是在五年内安装大约5千兆瓦的可再生能源,为中低收入家庭提供清洁能源,支持当地就业。 The coalition aims to install about 5 gigawatts of renewable energy over five years, providing clean energy access to low- and middle-income households and supporting local jobs. 所涉公司还将获得可再生能源证书(RECs),以帮助实现环境目标和抵消排放。 Companies involved will also gain Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to help meet environmental targets and offset emissions.