科罗拉多斯普林斯警方逮捕了18岁的Ryan Vigil, 罪名是一系列盗窃和偷窃。 Colorado Springs police arrested 18-year-old Ryan Vigil for a series of burglaries and thefts.
科罗拉多斯普林斯警方于12月31日逮捕了18岁的Ryan Vigil, Colorado Springs police arrested 18-year-old Ryan Vigil on December 31st, connecting him to a series of smash-and-grab burglaries. Vigil被发现离开家,接近一辆被盗车辆,然后在K9帮助下被战术执法部队逮捕。 Vigil was spotted leaving his home and approaching a stolen vehicle before being apprehended by the Tactical Enforcement Unit with a K9's help. 他面临入室盗窃、盗窃和机动车辆盗窃等指控,此前曾于11月因类似罪行被捕,也试图逃避警察。 He faces charges including burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft, and was previously arrested in November for a similar crime, also attempting to evade police.