中国的RX4E电动飞机成为由中国航空当局认证的第一架此类飞机。 China's RX4E electric aircraft becomes the first of its kind certified by China’s aviation authority.
中国的RX4E是一架四座的电动飞机,它已成为第一个从中国民航局获得类型证书的这类飞机,标志着电力航空方面的重大突破。 China's RX4E, a four-seat electric aircraft, has become the first of its kind to receive a type certificate from China's Civil Aviation Administration, marking a significant breakthrough in electric aviation. 由沈阳航空航天大学开发的RX4E具有零排放、低噪音和高度安全的特点,适合试点培训、观光和航空摄影。 Developed by Shenyang Aerospace University, the RX4E features zero emissions, low noise, and high safety, suitable for pilot training, sightseeing, and aerial photography. 该飞机用70千瓦小时锂电池充电,可飞行1.5小时,计划用于水、雪和氢推进。 The aircraft, powered by a 70 kWh lithium battery, can fly for up to 1.5 hours and is planned to be adapted for water, snow, and hydrogen propulsion.