Bradford的目标是重塑其形象,赢得英国文化城2025年的称号,突出多样性和自豪感。 Bradford aims to reshape its image and gain UK City of Culture 2025 title, highlighting diversity and pride.
布拉德福德(Bradford)在英国文化城(UK Culture City 2025)投标时, 正在努力改善形象。 Bradford, a city often seen negatively, is working to improve its image as it bids for UK City of Culture 2025. 尽管面临各种挑战,包括对族裔多样性的意识形态敌意,但该城市正在接受其多文化遗产,培养公民自豪感,特别是在年轻居民中。 Despite facing challenges, including ideological hostility towards its ethnic diversity, the city is embracing its multicultural heritage and fostering civic pride, especially among younger residents. 文化城倡议被视为向突出布拉德福德的长处迈出的一步,包括食品场景,特别是其著名的咖喱。 The City of Culture initiative is seen as a step towards highlighting Bradford's strengths, including its food scene, particularly its renowned curries.