土著厨师Sharon Winsor在悉尼推出带有澳大利亚本地原料的甜点酒吧。 Indigenous chef Sharon Winsor launches dessert bar featuring native Australian ingredients in Sydney.
Sharon Winsor是一位获奖土著厨师, 正在利用她的生意Indigiearth来强调澳大利亚本地食品的多功能性。 Sharon Winsor, an award-winning Indigenous chef, is using her business, Indigiearth, to highlight the versatility of native Australian foods. Winsor注意到许多人对灌木菜一无所知, 她开始在悉尼做生意, Growing up in western NSW, Winsor noticed many people were unaware of bush foods and started her business in Sydney to showcase them. 在精神失常后,她回来时再次热衷于增加土著对本地食品工业的所有权。 After a break for mental health, she returned with a renewed passion for increasing Indigenous ownership in the native food industry. 这个周末,她在悉尼的一家爆米花咖啡馆 开了一个甜点酒吧 特制的盘子有瓦特尔种子蒂拉米苏和卡卡杜李梅芝士蛋糕。 This weekend, she launched a dessert bar at a pop-up cafe in Sydney featuring dishes like wattleseed tiramisu and Kakadu plum cheesecake.