比利时心理学家被控对超过12名智力残疾居民进行性攻击。 Belgian psychologist charged with sexually assaulting over a dozen intellectually disabled residents.
一名在智力残疾成人护理院工作的比利时心理学家被指控强奸和性攻击超过12名居民。 A Belgian psychologist working at a care home for adults with intellectual disabilities has been charged with raping and sexually assaulting over a dozen residents. 否认指控的47岁的嫌疑人在一名受害者提出申诉后于12月被捕。 The 47-year-old suspect, who denies the charges, was arrested in December after a complaint was filed by one of the victims. 他还因据称使用虚假资格获得雇用而面临伪造罪指控。 He also faces forgery charges for allegedly using false qualifications to get hired.