12月23日被捕的精神病医生被控在咨询期间对病人进行性接触。 Psychiatrist charged with sexually touching patient during consultation, arrested on December 23.
在澳大利亚Woy Woy的一位55岁的精神病医生被指控在2024年2月28日的一次咨询期间对一名37岁的女病人进行性接触。 A 55-year-old psychiatrist in Woy Woy, Australia, was charged with sexually touching a 37-year-old female patient during a consultation on February 28, 2024. 在布里斯班·沃特斯警方进行了长达几个月的调查之后,他于12月23日被捕并被指控在未经同意的情况下与他人进行性接触。 After a months-long investigation by Brisbane Waters police, he was arrested and charged with sexually touching another person without consent on December 23. 精神科医生获得有条件保释,定于1月在Gosford地方法院出庭。 The psychiatrist was granted conditional bail and is set to appear in Gosford Local Court in January.