锡兰银行第三次赢得2024年斯里兰卡年银行, Bank of Ceylon wins 'Bank of the Year Sri Lanka 2024' for third time, recognized for growth and service.
锡兰银行第三次从英国《银行家杂志》赢得2024年斯里兰卡年银行奖。 Bank of Ceylon has won the 'Bank of the Year Sri Lanka 2024' award from The Banker magazine, UK, for the third time. 它是唯一被列入世界第一1000强银行名单的斯里兰卡银行。 It is the only Sri Lankan bank listed in the Top 1000 World Banks. 该银行因其在增长、财政实力、服务质量、技术和可持续性方面的卓越而获得承认。 The bank is recognized for its excellence in growth, financial strength, service quality, technology, and sustainability. 它通过为妇女制定的“Ran Liya贷款计划”和为青年企业家制定的“BOC青年贷款计划”等计划支持创业。 It supports entrepreneurship through schemes like the 'Ran Liya Loan Scheme' for women and the 'BOC Youth Loan Scheme' for young entrepreneurs. 锡兰银行还促进金融知识普及和数字银行业务。 Bank of Ceylon also promotes financial literacy and digital banking.