马里兰州一名9岁儿童在室内做S'mores时,在火灾中遭受着危及生命的烧伤。 A 9-year-old in Maryland suffers life-threatening burns in a fire while making S'mores indoors.
在马里兰州劳蕾尔,一名9岁的孩子在火灾爆发后受到危及生命的烧伤,同时使用一个可忽略的液体火焰包在室内制造S'mores。 A 9-year-old in Laurel, Maryland, suffered life-threatening burns after a fire started while making S'mores indoors using an ignitable liquid flame kit. 消防员控制了大火,但儿童被空运到儿科设施。 Firefighters contained the blaze, but the child was airlifted to a pediatric facility. Anne Arundel县消防局和消费者产品安全委员会已经警告说,由于发生事故的风险,不要在室内使用这些工具包。 The Anne Arundel County Fire Department and Consumer Product Safety Commission have warned against using these kits indoors due to the risk of accidents.