Windsor警察追捕29岁的James St. Jean, 他因盗窃四辆车和其他犯罪而被通缉。 Windsor police seek James St. Jean, 29, wanted for stealing four vehicles and other crimes.
Windsor警方正在寻找一名29岁的男子James St. Jean,他涉嫌在11月28日至12月10日期间从工业停车场盗窃四辆车。 Windsor police are seeking a 29-year-old man, James St. Jean, who is suspected of stealing four vehicles from industrial parking lots between November 28 and December 10. St. Jean面临27项指控,包括盗窃机动车辆、拥有被盗财产以及非法使用信用卡。 St. Jean faces 27 charges including theft of motor vehicles, possession of stolen property, and using a credit card illegally. 警方已发出逮捕令,要求公众协助寻找他。 Police have issued a warrant for his arrest and are asking for public assistance in locating him.