美军士兵Cameron John Wagenius因涉嫌出售Verizon AT&T被盗电话记录而被捕。 U.S. Army soldier Cameron John Wagenius arrested for allegedly selling stolen phone records from AT&T, Verizon.
美国陆军一名士兵Cameron John Wagenius于12月20日被捕,据称他出售了从电信公司AT&T和Verizon窃取的机密电话记录。 A U.S. Army soldier, Cameron John Wagenius, was arrested on December 20 for allegedly selling stolen confidential phone records from telecom companies AT&T and Verizon. 在网络上被称为“Kiberphant0m”的Wagenius面临两项非法转移机密记录的指控。 Wagenius, known online as "Kiberphant0m," faces two counts of unlawfully transferring confidential records. 他被指控黑入雪花账户,窃取至少10个组织的数据,导致勒索企图。 He is accused of hacking into Snowflake accounts and stealing data from at least 10 organizations, leading to extortion attempts. 一名受害者,AT&T,支付了370,000美元的赎金。 One victim, AT&T, paid a $370,000 ransom. 据称,Wagenius还声称黑客涉及与Kamala Harris和Donald Trump有关的记录。 Wagenius is also alleged to have claimed hacks involving records related to Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.