在迈阿密-达德庆祝新年期间,两名儿童被流弹打伤,造成一人死亡。 Two children were injured by stray bullets during New Year's celebrations in Miami-Dade, with one fatality.
在新年节,10岁的Yanelis Munuguia在与家人一起庆祝时,在迈阿密达德西北被流弹击中身亡。 On New Year's Day, 10-year-old Yanelis Munuguia was fatally struck by a stray bullet in northwest Miami-Dade while celebrating with her family. 警方认为子弹是从一个未知地点射向空中的。 Police believe the bullet was fired into the air from an unknown location. 在另一起事件中,一名16岁男孩在附近社区新年节日期间被流弹击中脚踝。 In another incident, a 16-year-old boy was shot in the ankle by a stray bullet during New Year's festivities in a nearby neighborhood. 在休斯顿发生类似事件后,一名12岁女孩在圣诞节前夕被流弹击中受伤,这些悲剧突出表明了欢庆枪声的危险。 These tragedies highlight the dangers of celebratory gunfire, following a similar incident in Houston where a 12-year-old girl was injured by a stray bullet on Christmas Eve. 警方正在调查这两起案件,并敦促公众避免向空中开枪。 Police are investigating both cases and urging the public to avoid shooting guns into the air.