多伦多警察寻找在地铁站袭击一名妇女的男人;详细描述过嫌疑人。 Toronto police seek man who assaulted a woman at a subway station; suspect described in details.
多伦多警方正在寻找一名男子,他于星期六早上在Keele TTC车站对一名妇女进行性攻击。 Toronto police are seeking a man who sexually assaulted a woman at the Keele TTC station early Saturday morning. 袭击于凌晨1时40分左右发生,一名证人打断了袭击,导致嫌疑人逃跑。 The attack occurred around 1:40 a.m. and was interrupted by a witness, leading the suspect to flee. 他被描述为5英尺6英寸的棕色面部头发,穿着绿色色的克,黑色牛仔,黑色的"多伦多猛龙队"毛衣,和紫色的"明尼苏达维京队"帽子. He is described as 5'6" with brown facial hair, wearing a green-beige jacket, black jeans, a black "Toronto Raptors" sweatshirt, and a purple "Minnesota Vikings" hat. 警察请公众报告任何信息。 Police ask the public to report any information.