三个月大的婴儿淹死在路易斯维尔的旅馆浴缸里;凶杀科进行调查。 Three-month-old baby drowns in hotel bathtub in Louisville; homicide unit investigates.
一个三个月大的婴儿不幸溺死在路易斯维尔南部的一家旅馆浴缸里。 A three-month-old baby tragically drowned in a hotel bathtub in south Louisville. 警官们在急救系统到达之前 实施抗逆转录病毒治疗 但婴儿在现场死亡 Officers administered CPR until EMS arrived, but the baby died at the scene. Louisville警察局的杀人案股正在进行调查,任何有信息的人都可联系匿名举报热线或警察局提供的在线门户。 The Louisville Metro Police Department's Homicide Unit is investigating, and anyone with information can contact the anonymous tip line or online portal provided by the police department.