一名 1 个月大的婴儿在史坦顿岛纽约市住房管理局大楼内被发现死亡;其父母正在接受询问,等待尸检。 1-month-old baby found dead at Staten Island NYCHA complex; parents questioned, autopsy pending.
一名 1 个月大的婴儿在位于斯塔顿岛的纽约市住房管理局大楼西布莱顿住宅区内被发现死亡。 1-month-old baby found dead at West Brighton Houses, a NYCHA complex on Staten Island. 父母正在接受询问,法医将进行尸检以确定死因。 Parents are being questioned, and the Medical Examiner will perform an autopsy to determine the cause of death. 婴儿左臂上有明显的创伤痕迹。 Visible signs of trauma were found on the baby's left arm. 两名被确认为父母的人员已被警方拘留。 Two individuals, identified as the parents, were taken into police custody. 首席法医办公室将确定死因。 The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner will determine the cause of death.