疑犯在悉尼警方追捕 被控企图侵入住宅 枪战后被拘留 Suspect in Sydney police chase, accused of attempted home invasion, in custody after shootout.
一名20岁的男子Faez Finau在悉尼被警察追逐后被拘留,当时警察遭到枪击。 A 20-year-old man, Faez Finau, is in custody after a police chase in Sydney where officers were shot at. 追击行动是在有人企图入侵住宅后开始的,缴获了武器,包括两支手枪和一支突击步枪。 The pursuit began following an attempted home invasion, leading to the seizure of weapons including two pistols and an assault rifle. Finau面临与该事件有关的指控,当局寻找一名逃离的乘客。 Finau faces charges related to the incident, and authorities search for a fleeing passenger. 新南威尔士州总理Chris Minns赞扬了警察部队。 NSW Premier Chris Minns praised the police force. 没有军官受伤。 No officers were injured.