堪萨斯州莱利县的警察 调查一辆汽车失窃案 一辆价值2 250美元的弓和望远镜被偷 Riley County, Kansas, police investigating a vehicle burglary where a bow and binoculars worth $2,250 were stolen.
在堪萨斯州莱利县,警方正在调查星期一晚上在布鲁克公园街2700号街区发生的一起车辆入室盗窃事件。 Police in Riley County, Kansas, are investigating a vehicle burglary reported on Monday evening in the 2700 block of Brookpark Drive. 一名39岁的男子用马修的复合弓和Camo Bushnell双筒望远镜从他的汽车上被盗,估计损失2 250美元。 A 39-year-old man had a Matthew's compound bow and camo Bushnell binoculars stolen from his vehicle, with an estimated loss of $2,250. 犯罪制止者悬赏高达1 000美元,以获取导致逮捕嫌疑人的信息,并允许匿名举报。 Crime Stoppers is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest of the suspect, allowing for anonymous tips.