堪萨斯州警方的合作 导致嫌犯在偷来的汽车追逐中被抓获 Kansas police collaboration leads to suspect's capture after a stolen car chase.
在堪萨斯州约翰逊县的警察 12月8日逮捕了一名嫌犯 在一次偷来的汽车追逐中 Police in Johnson County, Kansas, apprehended a suspect on December 8 after a stolen car chase through Lenexa and Shawnee. Lenexa警察局使用截棍,这辆车最终停在Shawnee, 一名当地警察徒步将嫌疑人拘留。 The Lenexa Police Department used stop sticks, and the car eventually stopped in Shawnee, where a local officer took the suspect into custody on foot. 邻里机构为取得成功结果共同努力,嫌疑人的身份仍未披露。 Neighboring agencies worked together for a successful outcome, and the suspect's identity remains undisclosed.