RBI计划在2025年第一季度向各州出售4.73亿卢比债券。 RBI plans to sell Rs 4.73 lakh crore in bonds to states in the first quarter of 2025.
印度储备银行计划在2025年1月至3月季度以政府债券向邦政府和联盟领土出售4.73亿卢比。 The Reserve Bank of India plans to sell Rs 4.73 lakh crore in government bonds to state governments and union territories during the January-March 2025 quarter. 拍卖详情,包括参与国在内,将在每次拍卖前几天根据国家要求、政府批准和市场条件宣布。 Auction details, including participating states, will be announced a few days before each auction based on state requirements, government approval, and market conditions. RBI的目的是在不扰乱市场的情况下进行这些拍卖,在整个季度均匀分配借款。 The RBI aims to conduct these auctions without disrupting the market and distribute borrowings evenly throughout the quarter.