王后主办弗雷迪·马立克(Freddy Mercury)的生日庆祝活动, 纪念他的遗产并为艾滋病毒/艾滋病慈善筹款。 Queen hosts Freddie Mercury's birthday celebration, honoring his legacy and raising funds for HIV/AIDS charity.
皇后将于9月6日在瑞士蒙特鲁的卡西诺巴里埃举办官方弗雷迪·默克里生日派对2025,庆祝已故歌手的79岁生日. Queen will host the Official Freddie Mercury Birthday Party 2025 on September 6 at the Casino Barriere in Montreux, Switzerland, celebrating what would have been the late frontman's 79th birthday. 该活动是为了纪念“歌剧之夜”和“波西米亚狂想曲”50 周年,着装要求为白色。 The event honors "A Night At The Opera" and the 50th anniversary of "Bohemian Rhapsody," with a dress code of white. 收益将有益于 " 水星凤凰信托基金 " ,这是一个与艾滋病毒/艾滋病作斗争的慈善组织,由女王成员及其经理在Freddie Mercury的记忆中创建。 Proceeds will benefit The Mercury Phoenix Trust, a charity fighting HIV/AIDS, founded in Freddie Mercury's memory by Queen members and their manager. 更多细节和机票将在稍后公布。 More details and tickets will be announced later.